Family Conference “Reimaging Parenting”
Join us at TDBC September 30 through October 2, 2022 for our Annual Family Conference. This year’s conference is titled “Reimaging Parenting“. There will be events and breakout group discussions for the entire family.
Friday, September 30
@7 pm: Tenative Worship Service
Saturday, October 8
- @10 am: Breakout Sessions (including sessions for college age, families, and singles)
Sessions Topics: Reimaging Parenting, Blending Families, Domestic Violence
- Lunch will be provided
Sunday, October 2
- @ 9 am: General Session and Information Vendors
- @10 am: Worship Service (no 8am service)
To receive additional details and register your family for the event, scan on the link below or contact TDBC @ 334.286.4008.